Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)
Nanoscale Electromechanical Properties
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) is an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique that allows for the visualization and manipulation of electromechanical coupling at the nanoscale. This powerful mode is crucial for studying piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials, offering unprecedented insights into their structure, properties, and behavior.
Key Features
Our PFM implementation offers:
High Sensitivity: Detect even the smallest piezoelectric responses
Dual-Frequency Mode: Simultaneously map topography and piezoresponse
Vector PFM: Measure both vertical and lateral piezoresponse components
Spectroscopy Capabilities: Perform local hysteresis measurements
Integration with Other Modes: Combine PFM with conductivity or mechanical property mapping
10 microns size HD-KFM III and PFM measurement of a folded hBN device. Topography shows that surface is atomically flat, while surface potential shows regions with characteristic moiré patterns. This patterns indicate the presence of domains with parallel alignment of the polarization vector. The visible contrast in the SP domains is compatible with AB and BA atomic arrangement (see inset). Alternatively PFM measurement also shows similar characteristic Moiré pattern.
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy mode (PFM) PZT sample, Topography & phase signal, Scan size :10µm
PFM Mode
Phase Signal
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Superior Resolution
Our advanced PFM implementation offers unparalleled spatial resolution.
User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive software makes PFM accessible to both experts and beginners.
Easily combine PFM with other AFM modes for comprehensive sample characterization.